Tuesday, December 19, 2006


"Do you think we look Spanish enough?"
"I'm trying, really. Look snooty now, shall we?"

"Whew! I can't wait to get out of this hot dress!"
"Oh, never mind, dear. At least you got to be on the parade!"

Ladies in blue (no, not those Blue Ladies) talk about how much flowers they've been able to pilfer from the carozas. Tradition has it that these flowers are blessed and are thus brought home to be placed on the altars.

The many images of the Virgin lined after they've been presented.

The Cathedral at night. It looks very busy.

An image is being rushed away from the area so it can be prepared to be brought home.

Pretty girls with floral archs swaying to the music of drums and trumpets.

Dancers moved forward into the darkness.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your wonderful post on the marian procession. I am doing a research on old statues and pictures of Our Lady of the Mystical Rose. May I please know how I can interview your friend Mr. Albert Domingo about the history of the statue they have? I would appreciate a full picture of the statue too. Any help you can extend will be very useful, and very much appreciated. Thank you and God bless you!
