Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Suman from Pampanga: Php 20.00 (6 pieces)
Mangoes from Batangas: Php 50.00 (per kilo)
Experience: Priceless

What's your favorite Filipino breakfast? Let me know.


  1. that looks SOOOO good. something i miss about the philippines is the breakfast. in NY with people on the go, its just cereal or eggo waffles or something. but in the philippines, you got your garlic rice with tapsilog or longsilog...or mangoes with suman (which i've never had as breakfast but now that i see it it's making my mouth water). yum!!

  2. This breakfast, by all accounts, is a very refreshing thing to wake up to. :-)

  3. Beef wanton noodles (large! ) ;-)

    Those mangoes really look yummy!

  4. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Definitely it's one of the -silog meals: Tapsilog, tocilog or longsilog please!

  5. Sidney, Beef wanton for breakfast?

    Nina, oo nga. Ang mga walang kamatayang -silogs!

  6. Weird... never had fruit for breakfast. Usually have the fried rice and whatever the previous night's meal was... Oh! And day old rice soaked in coffee.

    Man, this blog is making me salivate all over the keyboard...

  7. Yes, Dylan. Nia ko UNAIDS. I'll buy a new camera diay. Would you recommend a Digital SLR na gyud? or a powerful Sony cam will be equallly good and less expensive. I've budgeted for it already. What do you use diay? Peter/Zimm

  8. Zimm, if you can afford it, go DSLR na. I am saving up for mine too.

    I currently am using a 12K, 7.5 megapixel Casio Exilim.

    Tay Arvin! Welcome, welcome! I miss reading your posts na.

  9. ayayay! yum, yum, yum! i can eat suman and mangga everyday! dylan, i hope you could join us at lasang pinoy some time in the future . . . :-)

  10. Anonymous10:12 PM

    yummy naman to... lunchbreak na pero parang naglaway ako sa suman at mangga...

    pero favorite filipino breakfast ko, chilled avocado/papaya with sugar and milk saka pandesal na mainit :D

  11. Mike Mina - thanks so much! I already had two of my photos used for Lasang Pinoy though I've never been part of it :-(

    Pepsi (Paloma?) - Thanks for visiting! Wow, favorite ko rin yang Avocado!

  12. Anonymous7:48 PM

    wow.. sarap!! have you tried the flavored suman/ budbug kabog? they're so delicious!!
