Sunday, September 17, 2006


Had a chance to have late night dinner in TemptASIAn Cuisine in Megamall's Strip two weeks ago with 3 other friends: Jerome of PBSP, Ruby of nearby ADB, and Stephen of CBCP. Part of the reason why I got sick lately was because there was a downpour that night. The reasons why we had to meet was 1.) I had to return Jerome's watch, 2.) I had to claim something from Ruby, and 3.) I had to go to Dangwa with Stephen.

We attempted to seat ourselves comfortably in two (2) different tables and finally, because none of them were comfortable enough, we settled on a third, which was out of harm's way from the mamy people passing us by (we were seated outside as Jerome and Ruby were smokers).

The wait was just interminably long (something like 40 minutes) and our patience was wearing out. I almost started a bonfire on our table using the paper placemats if they didn't stop me. Good thing, when the food finally arrived, there was enough for 6 people (count 2 of me) and hey, I admit it was rather good (but maybe we were just too hungry to complain). The food being Thai-influence, the rice was very, very good - light, with the just the right amounts of bagoong and mango to funk it up, and the chicken was very tender. The fried basil that went with it was a novel idea. In fact, this restaurant didn't hide its preference for basil. Even the beef had basil in it. I love basil.

To calm me down, the head waiter (who was just so irritating) offered us a dessert that was just enough to soothe my frayed nerves. It was a very simple combination of coffee-flavored ice cream, fresh bananas, and crushed nuts but it was very nice. Smooth and cool. The whole affair had the opportunity of being a comfort-food place if the food weren't a bit oily, pricey (Php 1,000++ for four people, plus cocktails and beer. Is that bad?), and the waiters were either too chatty or busy. And yes, the cocktails and beers are go 50% after 5PM or something, but you can forget about the cocktails. Not worth it.

Overall, it was okay. I'd try to go back one time when it's not raining. Maybe my mood will change a bit.
Dimsum plate (appetizer)
Mango and Bagoong Rice
Beef with basil (doesn't it look familiar - or similar - to something we Pinoys cook?)
Chicken with basil
All's well that ends well. Coffee ice cream (but they call it something else).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:25 AM

    hi BG (boy genius is just another mouse),

    i think its TemptASIAN, not TemptASIA.

    touchness forever.


    you may edit, or even not publish, this comment. hehehe.
