I first posted this on April 22, 2006 and I promised readers to get more photos of it from inside. Finally, 3 months after, here they are. I hope I can get more but really, there isn't much else to see for the meantime.

To the delight of many philatelists, it is now very easy to update your collection of Philippine stamps because a stamp outlet had been established on the right wing

This ubiquitous container of water is used to wet the stamps to make them stick to your envelope(s); this one is really half of a plastic mineral water bottle. Pinoy ingenuity? Maybe.

They who destroyeth, rebuilt. The plaque commemorating the reconstruction of the Post Office building after World War II by the Americans.

No thanks to the invention of the internet and the e-mail, the friendly neighborhood postman is currently out of work
Torch-like structures on the roof, one on each corner of the building. Notice the use of European and Asian design and symbols

Liwasang Bonifacio is right in front of the Post Office. You can see the Manila City Hall tower above the fountain.
Impressive building. I wonder what is inside! Full of mail?
You haven't been inside then, Sidney? It doen't look as good inside though. It's a mess in there, but what I like is the "avenue" of post-war postal boxes (which looked like they are made of chrome or something and sporting the seal of the Commonwealth) which line the sorting center in the basement. Otherwise, everything else is ordinary office space.
Oh what a site! I still remember when I was working at Madrigal Bldg infront of Lyric Theater I always go there to get some registerd mail for my boss,that was 1965 I was a secretary for the Insurance company (Domestic INsurance and Phil-Am life Ins) Our office is one of the general agency I wonder how it looks inside now? memories.
I wonder who 'anonymous' is. You can leave your name, you know. :-)
I think you can change an option in your setting where you can disallow anonymous posts.
I already changed it, Ate Agnes. I didnt shift it to disallow anonymous comments. I only activated the moderated comments feature. :-)
Ivan, thanks for visiting again. I rarely get visitors here kasi. They hate my photos yata, hehe.
I really look forward to joining your tour as soon as Mom is strong enough. :-)
Good shots. I never thought the Post Office can be photogenic. It's creepy to get into those mailbox areas. The building needs some gruesome updating.
I do think postmen can have work if they trun postoffices into something competitive by nature, and grow some HONESTY among it's staff and system.
They can turn postoffice into a bigtime Cargo and Freight service and offer prices atleast 30% lower than 2Go, Air21, LBC, etc ... That'll make buy and sell online a big help.
Tupatype, what good news to have new shops in Binondo! Your photos are mouthwatering!
Thanks for dropping by G.G.G. The Post Office is already partially privatized. Its cargo and courier services remain to be competitive as the other players because it patterns itself with the US Postal Service, but they're not doing any marketing.Snail mails are already dipping, thanks to email but stamps can still be bought. It will be so sad to see the art form die just like that, don't you think?.
I never imagine that the post office personel in Manila will steal my son's birthday card that I send from USA. Thst's only 20 dollars inside that card. How come they are so greedy for Money? Why they are not honest? My son never receive it for almost two weeks already. Do you think it is gone by now and taken by the postman? Bet it was ,right or wrong?
I enjoyed looking at your photos. Sure brings back some old memories. Back in the 80's, the central post office is one of my daily iteniraries (to pick up mails from the po box rented by the office I work for) for two years. It is a beautiful historical building and still is but sadly, the inside furnishings are not that impressive. I don't remember those benches being painted blue back then. They should have just retained the original color to make look like antique. Maybe they can seek help from interior designers that especializes in historical interiors of buildings? It should be color coordinated.
I know this is out of topic but I lost a mail too recently, I sent to my parents in Bulacan from US. It is thick because it contains a greeting card with at least 40 photos inserted in it. My parents are old (late 70s) and don't have internet access so I rely on the snail mail to communicate with them and update them about my family especially my growing kids. I emailed the postmaster general through their website but it bounced back saying it won't receive mail because it's full. They don't check their email regularly? It's been 3 months but I still hope to trace where my mail went so I gave the US customs form number to a relative and check it for me, I think they record it at the mail distribution center at the airport and it will sure be traced where it was lost. Sorry no money in it and all the photos there would be of no value if someone from the PO stole it.
Thanks again.
I first encountered this building in 1941 when my father brought us to this place to the basement where we use it as an air-raid shelter during the first bombing raid by the Japanese. We resided in Arzobispo in front of the San Ignacio Church.
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