Friday, June 30, 2006


Got this link from and i've already signed up. If you care about the state of our Catholic church buildings, I think you should sign up, too, and fast before they disappear or morph before your very eyes.

Sign up here.

Photo from


Was at the Folk Arts Theatre (now Tanghalang Francsico Balagtas) with Mom 2 Saturdays ago to watch TUNOG AT GALAW NG ISANG PANGARAP (roughly translated as "Sound and Movement of a Dream / Hope") staged by Kaloob Foundation, which appears to be a Christian ministry. I think this was a fund-raising activity but what got me to watch it was the claim of having a fresh perspective of traditional dances gleaned from newly researched material.

It was a most wonderful show, and as a former member of a folkloric dance company (like my Mom, in her college days), I must admit the new addition to the usual dance steps were a delight to watch. Sadly, they didn't do the Singkil, which is the Queen of all Philippine Dances.

Ramon Obusan, 2006 National Artist for Dance, was the special guest. As usual, sorry for the bad photos. With a simple point-and-shoot digital camera, it's too difficult to get them when seated.


Was in the CCP lately to attend the Manila performance of the popular dance company Condors led by Ryohei Kondo. Sorry for the bad photos. I was very far from the stage and most of it was done on the sly. By the way, Sionil Jose, National Artist for Literature, was in attendance. It was good to see him healthy and still very active.

This program was a function of the Philippine-Japan Friendship Year 2006 and was held at the Cultural Center of the Philippines as part of the Philippine International Performing Arts Festival held in conjunction with the 31st UNESCO International Theatre Institute World Congress, Manila organized by the International Theater Institute (now that was a long sentence!).

It was a mélange of dance segments, film, puppetry and satiric skits paying homage to Japanese culture and the New World Order. After the show, there was a club party at the Main Theater lobby, the first time to be held at the CCP, in which Filipino DJ Funky Avy was main feature.

The Condors took their bow before an enthusiastic and appreciative audience


Special thanks goes to Rudy Lagman of the Japan Foundation Manila.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


I went through my blog today and it appears that I already am starting to have a posting backlog as I promised to load many photos of certain places or events long ago but never came around to doing it. I hope you'd forgive me for this.

At any rate, I just returned from Boracay for a three-day break and I'd be posting photos of that trip here for would-be first-timers and for those who haven't been there yet (it will include tips on how much you might be spending, etc).

Also, there seem to be a lot of Campampangan readers from the US and photo requests have been made to upload shots of certain places in Pampanga. I am sad to say that I haven't been home for two months or thereabouts and can't do this just yet. However, I am due to visit San Fernando (and actually stay there for a weekend with my Mom) and i'd post photos of that San Fernando adventure if, and when, it happens.

I have yet to take photos of the Manila Central Post Office as I am not sure how to go about it without being caught by the guards (since it is a semi-government office) and looking like a terrorist doesn't help either. I think I must shave off my goatee before doing this. You know, at the height of the frenzy and anxiety post-9/11, nobody would sit beside me in public transportation. That time, it happened that I also was growing a beard because I simply wanted to know it if it was possible to grow one. Needless to say (but I'm still saying it), it seemed to work: frightening people, that is. I took it off pronto. I'd rather have people feeling comfortable around me than having to enjoy a seat all to myself and having to dead with people staring. However, growing a beard did have its benefits. Once in our beloved NAIA, where security borders on paranoia, I was bringing my Mom to the Departures area and the guard actually waved me through the entrance (and I wasn't even the passenger!) but stopped my Mom! I figured I sort of intimidated the guard and my Mom didn't (she is rather short).

Funny now that I think of it.

Hey, it's 5 in the morning! Will start posting new photos later in the day. Ciao!

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Liwasang Bonifacio was renovated some years back by the present Mayor. The four (?) globe fountains are now gone (which is very sad) and was replaced by this hideous fountain that can't be appreciated if you're looking at it from this angle.

More photos to be uploaded soon.

The past looks to the present

Where do you find this "yolk"?

A portion of the newly "renovated" Mehan Gardens (where's the garden now?)

The newly lighted pathway besides the Manila City Hall